Contact us

We are always looking for people to help us in several aspects of visual novel translation, whether it is TLC or translation check, Editing or QA, Image modification or Engine hackers. The more we grow the more projects we can take on and share the magic of visual novels with much more people!

If you want to help us and have the time you can contact us via email at [email protected] or you can just find me Discord as Alexeir.

We always appreciate feedback as we believe is the way to improve more and more, so, if you have any issues with patches or find any typos or mistakes or have anything else to say you can also use the channels above.

If you want to support us monetarily, we have a Kofi:

The money we collect from this will be used for server costs and maintenance as well as any other expenses we have in order to translate the novels (games, software) and you will be supporting the translation of more visual novels!

If you don’t have neither the time or the money, we really appreciate spreading our works so more people can enjoy these novels! Also follow our Twitter for updates and release announcements.