Sun In The Shade

Hiroyuki Nasukawa, a high school student whose father is a piano tuner, wants to become a respectable adult, but his anxiety about the future keeps him from being a good student at school. Eventually, he cheats on a test, gets caught and the punishment is, to his surprise, a request to repair the school's piano.

Circle:  Shatou Sombrero

Translator:  Alexeir

Published at:  May 24, 2023

Reading time:  2 hours


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Download the patch!

Extract the patch on the resource folder! and replace the files when promted.

V1.02 Some additional editing and fixing some typos.



  • TL:  Alexeir
  • Edit:  Alexeir
  • Proofreading:  NekuSebas, Alexeir
  • Tech stuff:  Alexeir